Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Mental Health Day

 Should people ask for metal health day when they are offering a job.

When attending a party, I had a chance to talk to a business owner on hiring.  He was not a happy camper with the people that he has been hiring lately.  He  told me that an applicant wanted 5 mental health days a year if they were to accept the offer.   He told me that people are too soft these days and they just need to get their asses kicked.  He ranted on for a few more minutes and I felt his passion about the sibject.


After listening to his rant, I felt like I needed a mental health day to recover and I have only taken a couple of mental health days to recover.  

What an asshole and how out of touch he is.  His business is one for the businesses that don't pay living wage but want to exploit their employees to the max.   If you are one of the businesses that don't wages that people can live on, please expect a high turnover rate.  people are just going to use your fucking jobs as a step to something else.  So what if you promise them a raise in a couple of months, people have bills to pay.  They cannot wait for a few months and hope that they will make a living wage.

And if you are one of those businesses, you are not helping the economy.

Why are people so afraid of feeling sad?  why do we keep telling people to get over it and move on.  

If you want people to move, help them.  Not sure telling them to move on.  Have an understanding of what others are going through.  It will make you a better person.

Short sighted

 How would you feel when you felt accomplished when completing an urgent task for your department and then was told that they have moved on to something else.  

That's how I felt last week.

I was tasked to connect with an organisation to set up a meeting to start a conversation on partnering with them to set up a partnership.  It took me a couple of weeks and five touch points to set up this meeting.  It wasn't difficult by any means but it took us 3 weeks to get a meeting  with the decision maker.  I thought the Hiring Manager would be thrilled to have that meeting.  But I was wrong.

They told me that they can no longer help the company with the immediate needs and they don't need to meet with them right now.

Wow.  Okay.   What a short sighted comment.  

The management just quickly dismissed the benefits on meeting with that organisation that week.  They may not be able to help us with we needed for that day, but attending a meeting that week will benefit them for the future.  

I didn't know whether the management met with the organisation on that day.  I hope they do. I was let go before the scheduled meeting.