Lots of people in Canada were out today to support the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa. They were protesting the vaccine mandate on the truckers. They claimed that they should have freedom in not getting vaccine. They simply don't want to follow the rules and want to bully the government to accept the demands of a vocal minority. In the name of freedom, they are putting other people and themselves in danger. We don't control the virus because the virus controls us. We are all tried of these rules and mandates, but there isn't much we can do. If we do away of these mandates, we are going to put more stress to the public health system. And we all know that these folks are going to tell the medical professionals what to do.
These people simply don't know what freedom is.
Freedom is telling Trudeau to fuck off and no government officials will come to arrest you
Freedom is using the social media to tell Trudeau to fuck off and you still have you social media the next day
Freedom is watching movies with an ending that the film maker wanted and not what the government wanted
Freedom is organising and going to protests against any government policy that you don't like
Freedom is kneeing when the national anthem being play and not getting arrested.
Mandate is simply a condition to keep everyone safe.
For example:
People can't operate motor vehicles without first getting their licenses.
People can't legally drive their cars without registering their cars and buying insurance
People can't own firearms without getting their fire arm license.
People can't serve alcohol without getting their food safe
People can't work as security guards unless they are licensed
And if these truckers don't like the vaccine mandates. They can do something else. They can drive within Canada. They can drive buses. They can do local deliveries. If they don't want to do all these, but their old jobs, they need to suck it up.