Why I think the Media sucks
The news media no longer report news. Instead they sensationalise a simple story because they want to sell more papers. They don't really care what they are going to do to other people, but themselves. I am mad because a Toronto Star reporter made a mountain out of a grain of sand. This particular reporter accused that Spherion's temporary staffing service was taking advantage of the unskilled immigrant women from Somelia. The reporter claimed the client, UPS, cheated these workers because they pay them $1 less than the permanent full time people and no benefit.
This reporter obviously didn't do her homework and just simply pick on an industry that she knew nothing about. She cared nothing about how her story is going to arouse people's emotion on thinking how the agency was ripping people off. At least this woman is working. She is not collecting a welfare check. She may not like her employment situation, but she may get a long term employment eventually. This is a capitalistic society. If she doesn't like the work Spherion offer her, she can always sign up with Adecco. It is her choice to make.
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