Friday, May 14, 2010

TNT Supermarket

TNT Super Market is a Chinese Grocery Chain in Western Canada. It is one of the largest Chinese food suppliers. The prices are not overly expensive, but the management will try to take advantage of the customers.

A few months ago, the chain started to have a 2 cent surcharge for each grocery bag. It is because they want the customers to be green. They claim that they are doing it for the environment and all that jazz. I didn't buy that for a moment. I feel like that was an accounting decision and spinned by the marketing department. Of course, they introduced a line of reuseable bags for 99 cents each with their logo on it.

On to shopping with green.

I was there a few days ago and I had to buy a bottle of soy sauce. They normally wrapped the bottle with a piece of newspaper. I am always fine with that because I can reuse that piece of paper for clean window or simple recycle it.

Instead of a piece of newspaper, they use a foam barrier. How fucking green is that? I am not a green guru, but it is BS that they played the green card for the grocery bags, but they gave me a foam barrier???

That grocery store is so cheap and doesn't really practice what they preach.

TNT is only a handful of the business that does that kind of shit.


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