Wednesday, February 17, 2010

End Homelessness

I am a Heartless bastard.

I say that because I don't understand the whole homeless situation in Vancouver. Many have blamed the closure of a mental hospital in the late 90's. Some have called the drug trade brought the addicts to the downtown east side. Some homeless moved to Vancouver because of the weather.

Seriously, why should the government give these people money. They may claim that they have plenty of disadvantages. But don't these people have family and why aren't they staying with their family. They may have family issues, but come on!!! Homelessness is not a problem that can be solved over night and it needs to come from the homeless person first.

There have been protests in Vancouver about the homelessness, but curiously, most of these people are not homeless. They are just people with big hearts and without real jobs. They think helping others will make them to feel good, but seriously, they only act like 2 years old. because only toddlers whine and cry when they don't get what they want. Grown ups don't do that because we have learnt to reason and use proper channels.

Instead of taking the protest to the streets and convincing high school students to act like babies, they need to learn the right way to express themselves. They need to make a plan and bring the solutions to the table. Instead of marching to the streets, they need to make phone calls and ask for meetings with the people in charge. or becoming politicians.


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