Monday, December 22, 2008

A Better World

When I was making pointless phone calls to my customer today, I kept thinking about living in a better world. I was wondering how will those phone calls make the world better. Since those calls were pointless, I concluded that they weren't doing our world any good. In a way, I could be making the world a worse place to live. After all, I did nothing to improve anyone's quality of life. I don't care what kind of charity or clause that my employer support, I wasn't doing anything to make the world a better place.

Then I wanted to know what would I do to improve our world. I seriously don't know. All I know that I am part of the corporate world and most of my employers don't care about anything. They just want profit. They want more money. They want to grow their enterprises. Money is the only motivating force in the corporate world. There can never be enough for any one and we always want more than the next one. Everyone is motivated by greed. I don't care how any one defines it, greed is a driving force. Money is the roots of all evil.

I wonder what the world would like if we are not motivated by acquisition of wealth and wanted to better ourselves and the humanity. It will be a world like the Star Trek Universe. We should do work to better the community and make every one happy. We should stop our focus on the corporate world, but rather on our own communities. Instead of wanting more, we need to know what makes us happy. We should focus on having a healthy community at once. The excess of the 80's was last generation and not ever one left that behind.

We should focus on making the world a better place.


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