Why humanity will be doomed
It is because people in power are stupid. They are not doing anything good for us, but to send us to early grave in the name of corporate profit. They want to control everything and create chaos all over the world.
Who killed the electric car was on cable last night, but I could not finish watching it. I got angry at corporate America. These people are short sighted and they are stupid. The killed the electric car because they want to keep the Middle East busy. Oil is the only export from those countries. Without the oil industry, Middle East will have nothing to sell. The Oil Tycoon will be poor. The Governments don't want that to happen.
Auto makers are chicken shits. They are in business to build cars. As a consumer, I don't care what power my car. I will buy anything that will save me money and get me from one place to another. Combustion engine is only one of the many methods to propel a car. Why would the auto industry shy away from it.
The Auto industry claims that there is no demand for electric cars. As far as I know, people will buy anything. If people will buy pet rocks or crack cocaine, people will buy anything. If the auto industry tries harder, people will start buying them. If Toyota and Honda are able to sell hybrids, why wouldn't those dumb fucks in Detroit follow..
There is always away to solve these problems. I am sure that some scientist can create a snythetic gasoline and give the exclusive right to those companies. It will keep everyone happy.
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